Sabtu, 17 Ogos 2024

PRK Nenggiri: Calon PAS dan BN bertemu di pusat mengundi

P Ramlee sebagai pengamal perubatan

15-08-2024 SS Prof. Dato' Dr MAZA: Sifat Solat Nabi - Kepentingan Solat ...


Jaga2...Kuew Teaw ...Mee pon ada mereka ni buat... Dulu masa saya tinggal di sendayan Mereka buat Mart yg besar...kedai makan ada juga...Besar sangat kedai ni di Sendayan 2, 10 tahun dulu...

Seninya dlm Hadith...Kisah An Nasai dan Al Harith bin Miskin...  .
Hebat dan Waraqnya An Nasai.

Sedangkan aku mendengarnya...membertahu di tumpang mendengarnya...An Harith tak berapa suka dgn nya...tapi dia tahu Al Harish ( Shiqaq..."boleh di percayai"...reliable.)..Amanahnya Ahlul Haditah..
Tanggungjawab bagi orang Muslim...ikut samaada 3, 5, 1.  Witir 3 rakaat itu...(Di buat lebih afdhal 2 dan 1) 
ada mazhab wajib...Mazhab Imam Abu Hanifah...
Kata Ali bin Abi Talib bahawa tidaklah witir itu wajib seperti wajibnya solat fardhu.
Sebahagian mereka berkata pandangan Ali dan sebahagian kata dia ambil dpd Rasulullah.
Kata Ali Rasulullah bagun dpd ramadhan...malam seterusnya nabi tak keluar dan hari lain Nabi kata "aku bimbang akan di fardhukan kepada kamu"
Nabi solat 8 rakaat kemudian witir...
Nextday kami solat 11 atauu 3 witir..
Riwayat ibn Hibban ini dhaif
Solat Qiam Ramadhan di mulakan oleh nabi...
Jemaah solat sunat telah berlaku...Masa itu...
Bila Nabi Tak ada maka Apa yg nabi takut telah tiada...Jadi Omar buat...Abu Bakar hanya  2 tahun saja sebagai Khalifah dan meninggal...

Jangan tinggal witir...Jika nak berhati2 ikut macam Abu Bakar As Siddiq...Dia akan menunaikan witir sebelum tidur.
Bab Merassai Kemuflisan diri...Yg mana dlm ibadat itu kita rasai mukhlisnya diri kita di sisi Allah...Seorang yang fakir dan hina ..dengan itu kita sentiasa mensucikan Allah dpd kekurangan...
Tidak ada kedudukan...kita hina di hadapan Allah...sehingga dia berdoa...menyebut alhamdulillah hirabbil a'lamin...tiada 
" Tidak dapat kuhitungkan seperti apa aku sebut itu melainkan Engkau seperti apa yang dipuji itu"
Besarkan Allah.  Ibadat bukan berlaku dengan jumlah saja...dengan kita buat 2 rakaat 4 rakaat dan 6 rakkat dan kita tenggelam dengan mensyucikan Allah.
"Bolehkah witir selepas solat Jamak Takkhir .?."  Selepas Jamak Takhir di bolehkan kerana solat witir itu berada selepas  Insyak ke Subuh."

Anak pon tak dtg...upah tak mampu tolong ambil wuduk...sapapon tak mai tolong ,tunggu anak tak dtg..dia boleh buat dgn cara solat jugak meskipon tiada wuduk...
Dia sama seperti orang yang hilang 2 wuduq...Wuduk tak boleh tayamumpon tak boleh......

Perkampungan Sunnah di........   Mula besok Keluar hari ahad...Semua di jemput...Bawa kemah sendiri

Prof Dato Dr MAZA - Kenapa Mereka Bangkitkan Isu Asyairah Maturidiyyah? ...

Hizbullah Berhasil Menyusup ke Dalam Bunker IDF, Berhasil Tewaskan Tenta...

🔻LIVE🔻14 Ogos 24 Dr.Mat Rofa Ismail

How much Turmeric per day? Proper Daily Dose

How much Turmeric per day? Proper Daily Dose


 Turmeric, the vibrant yellow spice commonly found in Indian cuisine, is more than a flavor enhancer. It is one of the most extensively examined dietary supplements in modern science. This powder has been used widely in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years as a holistic method of treating common diseases with relatively few adverse effects.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in Turmeric, has recently piqued the interest of many health enthusiasts. It has been known for its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, therefore an appealing alternative for those seeking to improve their health and wellness.

However, many people wonder how much Turmeric should be taken daily? What is the correct Turmeric dose? The short answer is 500-2000 mg per day. But that’s a wide range! Read on the find out how much you should take for your specific situation.

In this blog, you’ll learn what Turmeric is and the recommended dose of Curcumin to achieve maximum benefits. We’ll also discuss how to incorporate it into your diet, its benefits, and the potential side effects of excessive consumption. So, let’s get started!

Now, how much Turmeric should I take? Here’s the recommended turmeric dosage. According to studies, Turmeric may be helpful in 500 to 2,000 milligrams (mg) daily doses. Of course, the dosage advised can change depending on the condition you’re trying to cure.

Although there isn’t a definitive agreement on the best doses of Turmeric or Curcumin, the following have been tested in studies with promising outcomes:

  • Turmeric dosage for osteoarthritis (by mouth): About 500 to 1,500 mg of Turmeric daily for three months
  • Turmeric dosage for increased cholesterol: 1400 mg of turmeric extract, taken twice a day for three months
  • Turmeric dosage for itchy skin: 500 mg of Turmeric thrice daily for 2 months
  • Turmeric dosage for depression: 500 mg of Turmeric twice daily
  • Turmeric dosage for inflammatory bowel disease or ulcerative colitis: 100 to 10,000 mg of Turmeric extract daily.